Friday, February 24, 2012

Compu crashed again!

My computer has crashed for the umpteenth time!
And today I do not even have a proper system to work on! One of my colleagues has taken the day off after lunch, so I got to access her computer- a "properly functioning" computer system. I do not like to waste my time in the office, but what else can I do today? All my files are stored on either my compu or pen drive. And this time the technician has taken away not just Compu, but my pen drive as well. Very funny.
I work for a small publication, I understand that they cannot really afford to provide new systems to us. I have been assigned a pretty old one, maybe its 10 or 15 years old. It has a floppy disk drive (I have even forgotten what a floppy looks like!). Its restart button is broken. When I first saw the antique CPU, I could not understand how I was supposed to connect the pen drive to it. It is loaded with viruses and it infected my beloved pen drive as well.

It is an ongoing process: Compu crashes, the technician comes to take a look at it, he takes it away for repairs, he returns it after a couple of days, compu works well for 5 days, compu crashes. the cycle goes on.

But hope never dies. Each time the technician comes to 'take a look' at my sick compu, my heart is filled with renewed hope. Maybe this time Compu will be back for good. Maybe this time the technician would have identified and solved the root cause which is making my dear Compu crash again and again. Maybe I can finally complete the chapter I have been working on for the past 15 days. Maybe, just maybe...